The face is one of the attractiveness markers. Well-groomed skin, correct curves give a woman beauty and make her look younger. However, as you age, it becomes more difficult to maintain a youthful appearance.
Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity resort to various methods in an effort to preserve the beauty of the face. Technological progress brings new trends in cosmetics, which contributes to the emergence of new processes. A great example of this is Laser Fractional Facial Skin Rejuvenation, which can be ordered at a laser rejuvenation clinic.
The essence of the procedure
The fractional laser skin rejuvenation procedure allows you to quickly and effectively remove old cells from the dermis. This increases the growth of new cells, accompanied by a firming and rejuvenating effect. The effect of the cosmetic effect can already be felt after the first session.
During a session of fractional laser rejuvenation, the multi-line laser beam guided by a specialist penetrates deep into the cells of the dermis and renews them. At the moment of penetration, it splits into several thin rays, creating a microscopic effect. At its core, the laser rejuvenation process is remotely similar to laser resurfacing, but the temperature of the beam is many times higher.
The rejuvenation technique does not require any preparation. The only thing the patient has to resort to is a consultation with a clinic specialist: he has to define an individual program. Laser facial rejuvenation does not cause pain - anesthesia is not required. A visitor to the medical center only feels a slight tingling sensation:
The laser facial skin rejuvenation procedure is treated in the following cases.
- Decreased skin turgor.
- The appearance of age spots.
- The emergence of spider veins.
- Post acne and acne.
- The appearance of scars on the skin.
- Sagging skin, wrinkles.
- Decreased dermistonus.
As with any cosmetic treatment, the laser skin rejuvenation procedure has contraindications. This technique can not be used if the patient has diabetes mellitus, chronic skin diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, epilepsy. The procedure is strictly not recommended in oncological and infectious diseases, pregnancy, inflammatory processes on the skin.
Customers are increasingly asking about laser treatment on facial skin. The reason for this is the undisputed advantages of the procedure.
- Minimal risk of skin pigmentation.
- Rapid skin restoration.
- Minimal side effects.
- No anesthesia is used during the procedure.
- The fractional method is used for each skin phototype.
- Maximum efficiency: after the first session, the restoration of elasticity and elasticity of the dermis, the disappearance of slackness of the skin and the removal of old cells are observed.
Recovery after the procedure
Maintaining the positive effect of laser skin rejuvenation depends on following the recommendations of the specialist of the clinic. For a week after the procedure, do not touch the crust that has formed at the exposure site: skin rejuvenation has started. For a month it is better to apply a cream with an SPF filter on the skin of the face and avoid sunbathing. It is also not recommended to use scrubs and scrubs.
In the medical center, you can order an effective procedure for fractional laser rejuvenation. The service is provided by highly qualified specialists with modern equipment.